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![]() American teachers
Who said the road does not have bumps? It can still be traveled. We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. Contemporary history and political rhetoric consider the crisis as a historical threshold. The common point of view of those concerned, powerful and political circles, has a certain definition. The crisis is presented as ''the event '', which turned the financial and economic policies of the countries upside down. The main part of the energy problem as a whole is the oil problem. This is the very thing, exemplifying the relations of independence. By observation and practice it is three main points of coming outside the crisis. Historically and politically the latter have been already defined as well. Among the most effective there are the proposals as: to work out a frame work for joint action; to establish a common energy market; to ensure cheap and secure supplies. So, the causes of crisis and the ways of coming outside it are well-known. Why then the whole process of solving the mathematically and scientifically counted task happens to be not simply, but extremely hard and prolonged in time? Why has it yet so many unknown units? Common sense is in our case like insight. It lies in engaging in worthwhile activities. Although crisis is a vast subject and it's precise definitions are usually very complex, it is not a very difficult matter to give a simple answer to the basic question about preventing and curing means of solution. As Economics itself is limited, it is not quite enough to limit the educated part of the societies to the study of the material aspect of life, but the human-resources mentality as well, firstly and even more. Under the circumstances of crises , when the forces ''contra '' overload the forces ''pro'' the teachers themselves must examine how people have solved ever or are going to solve the negative consequents of any kind of crisis among the others ones. It costs a fearful lot in establishing a new approach to not surviving but fruitful living for the sake of professional usefulness for recovering of the society in any conditions. The very teachers unite in their searching for effective methods of teaching the obligatory regulations and notions – firm, understandable, valuable, unforgettable and significant, common for everybody in the world from the position of common sense as the unique value .The wisest Alfred Robert Thatcher ever said: ''You work hard, not because work is everything, but because work is necessary for what you want.'' The Unity of teachers as style of professional thinking, practical method of solving the problems of those taught and need the assistance - is the scientific approach in growing national and international intellectual and spiritual mentality , overcoming any crisis or preventing it. That is what the ITA has been carrying out, and as any good will and good deed needs time for embodiment. Educating in a wide sense means a special unique mission. Those carrying out educated function see their mission as that of reconstructing the world attitude to values that are more rich than oil or it’s sharing among the nations. It is a historical mission, in the point of which is arising people of different countries unite their efforts in restoring their national self-confidence within and it's power and prestige abroad. It starts at school, goes on at the University, flows into Society – endlessly. Taking into account such wise truths as ''People do not fail, they give up '' and ''Life is not so much a matter of position as of disposition ' - wise teaching is to affect on forming the whole attitude for life, so important while crises as well of without it. Charles Swindoll defined attitude in a way worthing to have been thought over: “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say, or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill .It will make or break a company … a church … a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We can not change our past... We can not change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. .The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge for our Attitude.'' Affecting the attitude-forming, the teachers in combined efforts shape the personality, enable to feel oneself to be in responsibility for others in their striving to perfection through self-estimation (evaluation) as a lifeguard in a need and a victory. The task itself is tremendous by scale. It is very difficult to establish oneself with wisdom, by controlling thoughts and activity constantly. It is not easy to keep one realize that any events do not depend on outward conditions, but on inner ones. The crisis outside begins from the crisis of an individuals, lost as uneducated child. In accordance with teaching there are two sides of the coin. The first one is the teacher's personality, applied with all traits are in demand in new conditions. The societies demand the extraordinary qualities of the educator's teaching, inseparable from the robust normality of the intellect. They are to discover and enrich in the experience the fervent passion for teaching, keep the mind in the great and splendid things they would like to do , picture in mind the able, earnest, useful person they desire to be themselves and to put into their students of any age. Under the Life and Science laws the thoughts and deeds the teachers hold in - transform all the involved participants into particular individuals, possible to create and make up decisions. It is the very light in the tunnel of crises as ignorance, from time to time being imposed to the societies by their bad pupils. The other side of the coin is necessity of broadening the whole sphere of social problems, as the assumed right of society. It is important to describe and prescribe ,and to discuss with those learning and taught parental care and authority, marriage, teaching, science and it's ramifications of disciplines, self-controlled behavior, legality and the respect of customary rules, any forms of authority, from respect to coercion – as normal. The whole approach is correct both chronologically and logically. In the hard new conditions of any crisis the teachers happen to demonstrate their democratic and pluralistic ideals, derived from the very point of the profession, enabled them to combine in their actions the national and universal aspirations. For the people of the countries which had been ravaged by the crisis, reconstructing of the evaluation itself may mean the rebuilding of a state which had been shattered by the crisis. Abraham Lincoln once remarked that '' ...most folks are about as happy, as they make up their minds to be. ''In our case it may denote for teachers to connect with people in such a way as if they acquired almost with mothers 's milk, a deep-rooted destruct and dislike of ignorance of any kind, - behavioral, moral and mental. The very teachers also acquire and maintain the discipline of a communicant, often taking into account a Christian foundation as a conceptual framework. Circumstances and persistence are major components in the development process of establishing teacher as a leader of any society. International teaching-stability is based on independent process of educating-making, when the teacher's professional genius is used by them to combine, by the necessity of the past with a shrewd sense of the future. The teachers are to become the main part of the developmental state-engine , able to take into account exclusive national goals with imposed and compulsory inter-and trans-national means of educating implementation. Their contribution to children and adults let the latter to apply their knowledge to the gifts of nature and the items of civilization in order to satisfy their needs maximally safety preventing any crisis. Due to the simple mathematical reasoning the Universal values are equal to highly-skilled teaching itself as method and practice. The institution we call school is what it is because we made it this way. What way to choose is our choice. As teaching is one of the most effective prolonged means of preventing any kind of crisis in the society as a whole , the responsibility for the very choice must be great. There are some possible moments in some aspects of school-reality which must be prohibited. It must not be irrelevant, shield children from reality, educate for obsolescence, be based on fear, avoid the promotion of significant learning, punish creativity and independence, induce alienation. It must develop intelligence. The truth is that our national public schools must take into account any possible conflict. The conflict must be managed skillfully by skilled teachers. The task of a teacher is to turn conflict into an opportunity for learning more about others and yourself. From this point of view conflict as crisis may not have only negative aspect, but positive as well, because it is the very urgent stimulation factor for further development. Let us remember the words of the genius Einstein when he himself explained his Theory of Relativity by this very simple illustration: ''When you sit with a nice girl for an hour, you think it is only a minute; but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it is an hour. Well, well -so that's relativity!'' The magic of insight comes to those are ready to be in accordance, open and professional. That is why the teachers-professionals are to have the psychological maturity to deal with any arising problem. They are assertive in their thinking style by teaching the students to accept challenges, enrich their life, maintain their self-confidence and remain flexible. In the conditions of crisis in the society the very teachers themselves will examine some of the alternatives and innovations that are being proposed as ways of improving education. It is the very case when expectations alone can produce positive changes in ''learning ability'' of the society, the children and adults ones. Capability to serve the others may be learned and brought up by good teaching. Opportunity to understand that people may be rich not only as members of a complex world economic organization but as individuals may be arisen by teaching. Satisfaction of intellectual, spiritual and moral wants can not exist without good teaching as motivation and demand of any developed society. Rapid changes in the world today combine with informational overload, not always understandable to all concerned. Today maturity of teachers, their personal power and recognition must be firstly. In new conditions teachers put a strong emphasis on Team work. Team work is a core-idea of organizing A Learning Center. The results of the work having been analyzed in some schools and Universities are promising. Training Methods of Good Teaching being applied have been performed as workshops. They were: 1.Lesson -workshop rotation. 2. Apprenticeships, assistantships and Inter-ships as intellectual following managing of teaching. 3. Role-playing evaluating. 4. Audiovisual method in class. 5. Lectures. The Key-idea of the Learning Center is Managing effective leadership in Teaching, when .to become much perfective themselves denotes to enrich the mind and emotions of the taught ones. Accordingly, there are some necessary personal traits the Learning-Center workshops make possible to shape in successful teachers for achieving desired results in helping people to come away any crisis more or less painfully. The traits are like these: 1. Enthusiasm, - for ability to be active, optimistic and open to change; 2. Conscientiousness – for domination by a sense of duty and exacting in character to themselves and the others; 3. Emotional stability – for ability to tolerate frustration and stress; 4. Social boldness – as courage to be spontaneous risk-takers being responsive to others; 5. Intuitiveness – for making decisions in situation s ,when logic will not get them through all them possible ones.6.Charisma – for motivating students to reach toward a future goal by typing the goal. 7. Practicality and High Energy – for having been felt to be logical and to the point, being remained alert and staying focused. Self-confidence and resilience – are common traits. We name it self-assurance. The professional quality of teachers and their unity in the face of troubles help people to adjust to rapidly changing world by spontaneous making logically correct decisions preventing either personal or economical crisis in the future observed. The wisest people ever said:'' It is not the burden you are carrying that bends you down; That is the wrong road you are going on.'' International Unity in good Teaching is the only and unique right road, indifferent to any load. At present ITA is the very place where the best ideas concerning Teacher’s Learning Center is a real practice. We have already worked out a lot concrete activity with our students and teachers in Russia and abroad in order to say confidently that being properly trained, we can bring about real change by providing sustained support to our students against nationalism, racism and crisis of any kind for the sake of Peace education and living in Peace-World. We are leaning to enjoy the respect of different nations’ values, to enjoy the trust of the unity of teachers and students all over the world. With that in mind, the re-training of school and University teachers, using modern technology and reliable pedagogical traditional methods – open new educational resources and new bright perspectives for our communication. The words of a unique person and a professional, Frank Krøyer, will help us on our way; "My own hope for the future is, that we will be able to use ITA more and more as a place, where friends from so different countries and cultures will be able to meet and know each other, -and why not; make friendship and involve more and more people in this international network useful to people in a Globalized World!" Marina Azarenkova, Russia